I hate text ads

Friday, March 2, 2007

Fed up of Hutch's promotion - DO NOT DISTURB

Yes, its very irritating at times when u get a lot of sms's from the service provider saying download ringtones, caller tunes, news, say cricket and you get cricket scores and things like that. Even at times when their systems are at problems we get multiple sms with same content.

Fed up of all this! See what Hutch has to say for this

"At Hutch, we respect your privacy and take great care to protect your number and personal details. We only contact you to recommend tariffs, offers or services that we believe will be of interest to you.

However, if you wish to stop receiving such communication from us, simply
SMS DND to 111 or fill in the following form: "


log on to this site and fill the form, and your name is out of the mailing list, you will be free from all those sms's. Sometimes when we get an sms we feel chalo some one remembered, but to see the Hutch dog remembers you the most, but not even your good friends.

People rightly say - dog is the best friend.

Caution : You might be happy not to get those sms's but u might miss on a few offers too.. so be careful, i have done the job of letting you know of this facility, its upto you to avail them.



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sMs Of ThE WeEk

What happens if a cat crosses you when you are going somewhere ? ....

It means the cat is also going somewhere !
------------------- Someone has kidnapped the Indian Team and has demanded Rs 25 cr or they will burn them with kerosene. Please contribute, I have already donated 2.5 litres.

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