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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dravid not a captain any more !

I was appointed captain till the World Cup। So I am not even the captain at this point of time. So it's not my decision to make. -

Kapil Dev, the former Indian allrounder, said that India did not deserve to go into the Super 8 stage of the World Cup. "It is shameful that we have to rely on Bermuda to stay in the tournament," Kapil told an Indian news channel as reported by AFP. "I hope that does not happen because Bangladesh deserve to go into the second round since they had also defeated India. All credit to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India were pathetic and not good enough to remain in the tournament." - cricinfo

Still India has a chance to get into the super 8's if Bermuda beats bangladesh. Hopes are high... but are we woth it ???

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