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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Important websites

http://passport.nic.in/status.htm - provides status of Passportdetails for Regional Passport Office across India. New.....
http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/navigator/index.html - IIT Bombay has launched"Mumbai Navigator" for people to find out how to reach from one place to another.
http://www.indianblooddonors.com - provides comprehensive list donors locationwise.
http://exim.indiamart.com/reference-directories/indian-embassies-abroad.html-provides detailed list of names /addresses / phones / fax numbers ofIndian Consulates/Embassies situated abroad.
http://www.xe.com/ucc.html - currency convertor.
http://www.dharwad.com/pincode.html - helps you to search for pincodes and city in India.
http://www.mapmyindia.com/ - India's first digital map.
http://www.id90.com - provides discounts for Airline staff members onhotel properties around the world.
http://www.utiisl.co.in/pan/ - on-line application form for PAN card.
http://www.jours-feries.com/statique/index_pays2.html - you can get theholiday list of all countries.
http://www.india.gov.in/default.htm - Have a look at our nationalwebsite! There are loads of information it it!
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock - you will find the world clockunder the link for different countries
http://www.howstuffworks.com/ - for knowing 'How anything works',like a car engine, an airplane , or currency, tall buildings etc
http://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in/knowpan/knowpan.jsp - If you'reoutside somewhere and if you want to know your PANnumber then now it's just a click away
http://www.bankingombudsman.rbi.org.in - an RBI's initiative to protectcustomers' rights in today's bank dominated environment.

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sMs Of ThE WeEk

What happens if a cat crosses you when you are going somewhere ? ....

It means the cat is also going somewhere !
------------------- Someone has kidnapped the Indian Team and has demanded Rs 25 cr or they will burn them with kerosene. Please contribute, I have already donated 2.5 litres.

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