I hate text ads

Friday, May 18, 2007

Earn to read !!!


mGinger.com pays you to read ads on your cellphone! These ads are only about your interests.
Not only that, you get to decide when you want these ads.

Based on my calculations I can easily make enough money to free up my cell phone bill.

Check it out...

See how much you can make. Have fun calculating...and sign up.

You will like it...

How much money can I make?

Ads you receive per day 10

Friends you refer 10

Friends each of your friend refers 10

Monthly Rs 1,860

Follow this link and register its free...


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sMs Of ThE WeEk

What happens if a cat crosses you when you are going somewhere ? ....

It means the cat is also going somewhere !
------------------- Someone has kidnapped the Indian Team and has demanded Rs 25 cr or they will burn them with kerosene. Please contribute, I have already donated 2.5 litres.

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