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Friday, April 20, 2007

Let John Abraham Style your eyes for free !!

Titan Fast Track has come up with a new way to attract its customers. They have increased their range of glares significantly and based on your face cut, a suitable goggle will be displayed to you and you can choose it. Makes it easier to choose a glare and beat the heat this summer !

Just see what they are offering !

"Tell us a little about yourself and John Abraham will personally recommend the Eye Gear to compliment your style & features this summer."

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sMs Of ThE WeEk

What happens if a cat crosses you when you are going somewhere ? ....

It means the cat is also going somewhere !
------------------- Someone has kidnapped the Indian Team and has demanded Rs 25 cr or they will burn them with kerosene. Please contribute, I have already donated 2.5 litres.

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